Step 1
The city is accepting either hard copy or electronic applications
Revised drawings must be signed and sealed in accordance with the Architectural Institute of BC (AIBC), the Association of Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (EGBC), and the Association of BC Land Surveyors (ABCLS).
Name all documents in this format.
Application # - Address - Document Name - Revised <Revision Date>
All electronic documents must be in PDF format
Scanned hard copy documents (scan at 300 DPI, Colour, PDF)
Do not password protect documents
Do not reduce the file size
Do not photograph documents (no jpgs, TIFFs, etc or photos taken with a phone)
Email to devel@cnv.org.
Come to the 14th Street Entrance at City Hall during business hours Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm (excluding statutory holidays).
Permit application processes will remain the same other than receiving the physical document copies.
Applicants must submit all necessary documentation, similar to in-person permit application submissions; incomplete submissions will not be processed.
Step 2
Then wait for the confirmation email, regular permit intake procedure will remain the same.
For electronic documents: hard copies may be necessary depending on the scope of work and project size. If needed, the city will let you know by email.
Hard copied documents will be subject to quarantine and will not be processed for 24 hours. Incomplete submissions will not be processed.
Applicable fees can be paid online via CityServe or by cheque via the City’s drop box at the 14th Street East entrance. If you are dropping off a cheque for payment, please write the property address on the memo section.
Step 3
City staff will continue to provide construction monitoring. All required inspections must be requested at the appropriate times. To request an inspection, Call 24-hr inspection request line at 604-990-4249.
Requests will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Inspections may be completed using alternative inspections methods, including:
Submission of site observations from qualified persons (Registered Professional, licensed contractor, etc.)
Provision of documents, photos, or video walk-through acceptable to the inspector
Remote video conferencing
In-person physical inspection
Step 4: If in-person inspections are required, all Provincial health advisories and WorkSafeBC regulations are to be followed.
Access is to be provided to the site with a minimum of 2 m distance maintained at all times.
The work area being inspected or the entire site is to be cleared of personnel for the duration of the inspection
City staff reserve the right to limit or cancel inspections at their sole discretion